Forex FAQ

What is Foreign Exchange?

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of approximately US$1.5 trillion. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. The world’s currencies are on a floating exchange rate and are always traded in pairs, for example Euro/Dollar or Dollar/Yen.

Where is the central location of the FX Market?

FX Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets. The FX market is considered an Over the Counter (OTC) or ’Interbank’ market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network.

Who are the participants in the FX Market?

The Forex market is called an ’Interbank’ market due to the fact that historically it has been dominated by banks, including central banks, commercial banks, and investment banks. However, the percentage of other market participants is rapidly growing, and now includes large multinational corporations, global money managers, registered dealers, international money brokers, futures and options traders, and private speculators.

When is the FX market open for trading?

A true 24-hour market, Forex trading begins each day in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins in each financial center, first to Tokyo, then London, and New York. Unlike any other financial market, investors can respond to currency fluctuations caused by economic, social and political events at the time they occur - day or night.

What are the most commonly traded currencies in the FX markets?

The most often traded or ’liquid’ currencies are those of countries with stable governments, respected central banks, and low inflation. Today, over 85% of all daily transactions involve trading of the major currencies, which include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and the Australian Dollar.

Is Forex trading capital intensive?

No. FXA requires a minimum deposit of $250. FXA allows customers to execute margin trades at up to 200:1 leverage. This means that investors can execute trades of $10,000 with an initial margin requirement of $50. However, it is important to remember that while this type of leverage allows investors to maximize their profit potential, the potential for loss is equally great. A more pragmatic margin trade for someone new to the FX markets would be 20:1 but ultimately depends on the investor’s appetite for risk.

What is Margin?

Margin is essentially collateral for a position. If the market moves against a customer’s position, FXA will request additional funds through a "margin call." If there are insufficient available funds, FXA will immediately close out the customer’s open positions.

What does it mean have a ’long’ or ’short’ position?

In trading parlance, a long position is one in which a trader buys a currency at one price and aims to sell it later at a higher price. In this scenario, the investor benefits from a rising market. A short position is one in which the trader sells a currency in anticipation that it will depreciate. In this scenario, the investor benefits from a declining market. However, it is important to remember that every FX position requires an investor to go long in one currency and short the other.

What about terms like "bid/ask", "spread", and "rollover"?

FXA has an extensive Glossary that provides detailed definitions of all Forex related terms.

What is the difference between an "intraday" and "overnight position"?

Intraday positions are all positions opened anytime during the 24 hour period AFTER the close of FXA’s normal trading hours at 4:30pm EST. Overnight positions are positions that are still on at the end of normal trading hours (4:30pm EST), which are automatically rolled by FXA at competitive rates (based on the currencies interest rate differentials) to the next day’s price.

How are currency prices determined?

Currency prices are affected by a variety of economic and political conditions, most importantly interest rates, inflation and political stability. Moreover, governments sometimes participate in the Forex market to influence the value of their currencies, either by flooding the market with their domestic currency in an attempt to lower the price, or conversely buying in order to raise the price. This is known as Central Bank intervention. Any of these factors, as well as large market orders, can cause high volatility in currency prices. However, the size and volume of the Forex market makes it impossible for any one entity to "drive" the market for any length of time.

How do I manage risk?

The most common risk management tools in FX trading are the limit order and the stop loss order. A limit order places restriction on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to be received. A stop loss order ensures a particular position is automatically liquidated at a predetermined price in order to limit potential losses should the market move against an investor’s position. The liquidity of the Forex market ensures that limit order and stop loss orders can be easily executed.

What kind of trading strategy should I use?

Currency traders make decisions using both technical factors and economic fundamentals. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and numerous patterns and mathematical analyses to identify trading opportunities, whereas fundamentalists predict price movements by interpreting a wide variety of economic information, including news, government-issued indicators and reports, and even rumor. The most dramatic price movements however, occur when unexpected events happen. The event can range from a Central Bank raising domestic interest rates to the outcome of a political election or even an act of war. Nonetheless, more often it is the expectation of an event that drives the market rather than the event itself.

How often are trades made?

Market conditions dictate trading activity on any given day. As a reference, the average small to medium trader might trade as often as 10 times a day. Most importantly, by not charging commission, FXA customers can take positions as often as necessary without worrying about excessive transaction costs.

How long are positions maintained?

As a general rule, a position is kept open until one of the following occurs: 1) realization of sufficient profits from a position; 2) the specified stop-loss is triggered; 3) another position that has a better potential appears and you need these funds.

I am interested in foreign exchange trading, but would like some additional information. Any suggestions?

In The Forex Market section we describe the foreign exchange market in some detail. In order to gain a practical understanding of foreign exchange trading, there is no better way than to open a demo account, where you can experience what it’s like to trade the Forex market without risking any capital.

Future of the Forex Market

The Forex trading is already a very popular kind of the accessible financial trading. It’s now more like a «people financial trading» with many traders treating it as some kind of the «home business» opportunity. The popularity of the on-line Forex trading (and the popularity of the Forex was insignificant before the on-line era) has began rather recently — about 8-9 years ago. Every new year brings us new changes and developments. What will be the future of the Forex market?

It may seem almost impossible but the Forex market will become even more popular than it is now. A lot of people has already heard about the Forex, but know little about it and never tried trading. If the past several years were dedicated to informing people about the Forex, the next few years will be about getting as many people as possible to actually try trading Forex, at least on demo. The increasing popularity will lead to an increased amount if the related information — analysis, trade ideas, systems, strategies, expert advisors, etc. People will start discussing Forex not only at the dedicated forums and chatrooms, but at the unrelated meetings and parties.

The trends will become less distinctive. The large amount of participants will mean a faster and more flexible reaction to the global events — like natural disasters, acts of terrorism, war conflict outbreaks, commercial news and so on. The volatility will rise also because of the wider range of the systems, strategies and the analytical reports.

The stricter regulation will also influence the market participants, attracting more conservative traders. The unregulated Forex brokers will also remain popular though because some traders will value the cheapness and the easiness of trading more than the comfort of being protected by the state’s laws.

Paid systems and strategies will continue to flourish despite the fact that the free similar version will be widely available. The new marketing techniques will do their work enriching all those who decide to create their own paid «get rich with Forex scheme».

Introduction to MetaTrader 4

The MetaTrader 4 is possibly the most recognized and efficient home broker trading application nowadays on the market. It is free and available for download from the MetaQuotes Software Corporation website, the producer of MetaTrader 4. If your broker offers the possibility of having MT4 as your main trading platform, it will be likely to provide a download link directly when you sign up for your trading account. Even if many brokers have their own platforms, MT4 it is still a powerful and reliable tool for Forex, stock, and commodity traders. If your broker doesn’t support MT4, you can freely access real data from several servers on MT4, the currency pair rates differ a bit from MT4 servers and your broker, but it is not something that will significantly affect your trading performance.

Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the MT4 software, launch it. It may seem a bit complex for beginners, but all the information is very clear and divided by windows that allow you to control all your orders and a different number of pairs simultaneously. From the Market Watch feature, normally positioned on the top left size, under the menu bar, you have all the pairs available on the server, and with a click and drag mouse movement you can make that pair to appear in any of your chart windows, making it easier and faster to switch from one pair to another, and you, as trader, know how decisive can time be, when you have more than one order opened, mainly during news and market events.

One of the best features that MT4 offers is the option to create templates that fit better each and every trader needs. The profiles can have one or multiple charts. For example, 3 EUR/USD charts with different timeframes, or 3 different pair charts, in which you can totally customize them using the indicators of your choice. From colors to templates, the MetaTrader 4 offers the trader full interaction with his orders, which is often not possible in many broker platforms.

The main disadvantage that MT4 has against other web-based trading platforms is the fact that you have to download it. Many traders have to often check their orders from different places, such as: office or university. So if your broker only offers the MT4 or other downloadable software, it can be quite complicated for you to manage your orders, if you fall into this category. The optimal situation would be the possibility of using MT4 while you are on your computer, and at the same time, the option to open or close orders through your browser, in situations where aren’t using your computer.

Finally MetaTrader 4 is, doubtlessly, a tool that every Forex trader should at least download and be familiar with, in most of the cases, you will make it part of your trading experience, considering its features, for the moment, MT4 has a wide superiority against other trading software.

The Most Profitable Traders

They are experienced – Probably the most horrifying and worst myth shot out to anyone considering trading for a living is that you will compound millions in an extremely short amount of time when starting off. The only true way to make every day profitable comes through experience, and countless hours learning is crucial to longevity of success.

They know the damage they are capable of – Notice I didn’t say potential or profits here. The best traders I know of understand their limits, and seem to focus more on what can go wrong than what can go right. They are not easily convinced of lucrative outcomes, and have a very high sense of self-awareness.

They trade to make money, not to be right – They understand the strengths and possible pitfalls of what it is they do for a living, and use that knowledge to curb their emotional output.

They have an edge and know how to use it – They understand that without it they wouldn’t last long

They have a gameplan, and follow it explicitly – Each trade is planned and opportunities are scouted for before any trading takes place. They steer away from the killers of all killers: overtrading.

They manage risk – Regardless of how much conviction they have on a trade, they will still do what they can to avoid the potential of any losses and understand rule #1 about trading: anything can happen.

They work obsessively – They follow each turn, each piece of info that comes out in regards to their trade, and follow any underlying information relevant to failure or success.

They access the best information – Information rules in trading, and having some of the best translates to money. Using the wrong information leads to failure.

They think about the trade, not the money behind it - Focusing on money can destroy your means to objectively assess the trade itself.

They are constantly learning - Just when you think you know it all about trading, a new curveball gets thrown your way, not to mention there are continued means and methods to be learned about making money. Even the most highly successful trader I ever knew, a multi-billion dollar portfolio manager, has a team of fundamentalists and technicians come in to train and retrain himself and his traders.

They are active – Activity sparks creativity, a very crucial part of trading.

They have patience – They understand that the money will come, but everything needs to be in place, first.

Forex trading, what the hype is all about

Forex trading is all about making big money. Some investors have found it quite easy to make a large amount of money as the forex market changes daily. Forex, is the foreign exchange market. Online and offline you will find references to the forex market as FX as well. Forex trading takes place through a broker or a financial institution often where you are able to purchase other types of stocks, bonds and investments.

When you are thinking about getting involved in the forex markets you should know you are sending money to be invested with other countries. This is done to prop up the investments of people involved in certain types of hedge funds, and in the markets overseas. The forex market could have your money invested in one market one day, and the next day your money is invested in another country. The daily changes are determined by your broker or financial institution. When reading your statements and learning more about your account, you will find that every type of currency has three letters that will represent that currency.

For example, the United States dollars is USD, the Japanese yen is JPY, and the British pound sterling will read as GBP. You will also find that for every transaction on your account listing you will see information that looks like this: JPYzzz/GBPzzz. This means that you took your Japanese yen money and invested it into something in the British pound market. You will find many transactions from one currency to another if you have money that is scattered through out the forex markets.

Forex markets trading by investment management firms are the companies you can trust with your money. You want to find a company that has been dealing with forex trading since the early seventies, and not someone just new on the block so you get the most for your hard earned money. It is important that you beware of companies that are popping up online, and often times from foreign countries that are stating they can get you involved in the forex markets and trading. Read the fine print, and know whom you are dealing with for the best possible protection.

If you are interested in trading on the forex market, you will find limits for investing are different from company to company. Often times you will learn that you need a minimum of $250 or $500 while other companies will need $1000 or $10,000. The company you are dealing with will set limits in how much you need to open an account with their company. The scams that are online will tell you, that you only need a $1 or $5 to open an account, but you need to learn more about that company and where they are doing business before investing any money, this is for your own protection while dealing in forex trading and markets online.

Trading Currency Through Online Forex Brokers

Access to foreign exchange (forex), the most extensive market on the planet, is generally through an intermediary known as a forex broker. Similar to a stock broker, these agents can also provide advice on forex trading strategies. This advice to clients often extends to technical analysis and research approaches designed to improve client forex trading performance.

Financial institutions are generally the most influential in the forex market through high-volume, large-value forex currency transactions. Historically, banks enjoyed monopolistic access to the forex markets, but through the Internet, any forex speculator can also enjoy 24 hour access to the market via a forex broker.

Secure web connections today allow many forex traders to work from home, where ready access to news and other technical advice informs decisions on what forex positions to take. Similar moves are being made by stock brokers, who are also moving out of banks and other traditional institutions.

Your needs in the market will influence your choice of forex broker. Online forex brokerage firms, known as houses, provide those new to the forex market with detailed research, advice and simulators to learn how to use their forex trading tools. The experienced online forex trader is catered to by other broking houses, with in-depth advice, but less focus on forex trading instruction based on the assumption that you are familiar with the forex market. To make an informed choice, it is advisable to trial several differing online forex broking houses and their trading tools to find the best fit for your needs.

The J-Rod's $100K Income System

If there is a new money making system that seems to be working, would you think about giving it a try?

A guy name Jhonathan Rodriguez started from $0 to $40K per month just by using an automated system he created - The J-Rod's $100K Income System. This system has made a life-changing income for Jhonathan and he believes that this system will work for other people as well. So, he decided to share it.

A step-by-step plan has been written to let people learn and copy everything about the system to start making money. If you are in a hurry, he can visit the below link immediately to find out about how to get access to the $100K system to make money at home using your computer:

The $100K System is actually an online or home business system. It is created for beginners who want to make money at home but don't have the special computer knowledge and business experience. Jhonathan laid out everything in step-by-step guide so that you know how to use the system. But this isn't a fun and easy way of making money online. You do need to seriously work on it to succeed.

What the system is about and how it works?

As mentioned above it is an online business. You will have your products, website and other necessary marketing tools to make thing works. Jhonathan will teach you a simple method which is the post card marketing method that can be applied to promote your product get loads of targeted prospects. There is no need to call and talk to the prospects as your postcards will do all the marketing and selling for you. You will get access to an exclusive list of broker providing you with a hot list of target prospects to mail to.

You will use a website to generate profit. The postcard marketing will generate traffic for your website and then the website will convert the target prospects into sale and profit for you. Jhonathan will also let you access to his all other proven marketing and advertising methods like E-zines, magazines, and CPA advertising so that you can grow your business faster.

Everything is set up for you

All the tools that you need to get started and succeed with the system will be provided. Here's what you will get:

  • A customized website with your own domain name that is built to convert your prospects to income.
  • Customized E-mail follow up campaigns that will keep on market your business to your prospect.
  • The same postcards that Jhonathan has used to make money.
  • A bunch of promotional tools like videos, audios and autoresponder that you need to market your business.
  • And more......
Has Anyone Tried J-Rod's $100K Income System?

Actually Jhonathan already taught quite a lot of people to use his system to make money online. Those who have got good result with his system posted their success stories on Jhonathan's site. But of course not everyone gets good result. It depends on the effort put in and a little to do with luck.

This can be a great system for you to start making money online. You can take a tour on the J-Rod's $100K Income System at You will get access to Jhonathan's video presentations that explain everything and decide if this is the opportunity you are looking for.

How Email Marketing Can Directly Impact Your Online Business

The Internet is no doubt a powerful tool to market all sorts of products and services. When you have something to market and sell, the Internet can directly put you in touch with your potential buyers. And one low cost and effective way to do this is by setting up an email marketing campaign.

With email being free and easy to setup, many companies are now using it to contact their customers directly to inform them about new products. An email marketing campaign is a great way to deliver a message directly to your consumers and not have it filtered through other mediums. This is one of the best ways to not only promote your products and services but also spread the word about your business.

Email marketing can take a great many forms as well. You will be able to send out company newsletters, invitations, and just informational emails to those that are on your email marketing list. Emails are fast and efficient for many companies to spread the word about their new products or services to those that are interested in them.

When you launch a product or a service, it is only natural for you to be greatly concerned about the way that your market is going to react. Your business’ success, after all, depends on your customers’ positive reactions to the new product that you are offering.

As you surely know, every business must allocate a significant portion of its budget for its marketing efforts. This is also a reason to cause you some worry as it may be difficult to gauge the effectiveness of your various marketing campaigns.

When you are very concerned about the marketing campaign that you are using, there are more than a few marketing services that will help to alleviate some of your concerns. The email marketing service that you use can give you a head start on the campaign to start your business off on the right track. If you wish to ease some of your worries, you should consider hiring a professional service that will handle your email marketing campaign.

When you avail of an email marketing company’s services, you can rest assured that they are developing a strong plan to promote your products. You are taking advantage of their experience and expertise. With a reputable email marketing company on your side, you can be free to focus your efforts on the other aspects of your business.

Using an email marketing company can be a great way to build up relationships with your customers as well. They can help keep you in touch with your valuable customers regularly. Constant interaction with your customers will engender loyalty and help to keep them from buying products from your competitors instead of from you. Your loyal customers are the backbone of your business and you must not neglect them. This is the way that you can keep your business going strong for many years down the road.

Getting Prepared for The Trading Day !!

With the Great Challenge of Facing the Stock Market each Day and the hope of pulling money out of it on a regular basis, a trader can do few things more important than prepare adequately. It should be no secret that many of the brightest minds in the world are at work to make their living in the stock market, and such competition cannot be taken lightly! Furthermore, while traders should not be in the prediction business, we must certainly have a game plan.

As time progresses, a trader will inevitably learn from his mistakes. This experience is the foundation for laying out a game plan in preparation for the Trading Day. Merely being a student of the market and of one’s own results will teach a trader to react certain ways to market conditions or events. It is this foundation which should be built upon in order for the trader to elevate his game to the next level (and it IS a game).

In order to develop a trading plan, a trader must begin with his personal style in mind. Swing trading involves a plan that may evolve over the course of a few days to a few weeks, while day trading can be faster-paced and more spontaneous. Personality, patience, and profit objectives will play a large role in which style of trading one may wish to employ, but the trader should choose his method as he plans for success.

Once the trading style is known, the trader must take into account current market conditions. Are recent days or weeks characterized by lasting trends, or by narrow ranges and choppy action? Knowing the answer to this question will put you miles ahead of many other traders who walk in each morning without taking current conditions into consideration. The market will catch you off guard as it changes its rhythm or volatility, but recent history serves as a guide until things change. This means choppy, low-volume, range-bound markets should likely be approached with smaller positions and the expectation of taking profit more quickly and in one piece. A trending market with larger range days and greater volume allow the trader to take bigger positions in hopes of scaling out in pieces as the market moves in the trader’s profitable direction.

Whether After the Market Closes or early in the day prior to the market’s open, some time should be spent determining an IF/THEN strategy for the upcoming session. Some traders may subscribe to a swing trading newsletter or converse with other successful traders, while others prefer to do their own research. One excellent way to find the following day’s trading list is to screen for stocks which meet custom criteria for price, volume, volatility, etc. An affordable stock charting software program will quickly narrow a large list of stocks down to a specifically filtered handful of trading candidates. The DoublingStocks Inc. 'MARL' is one such program, and it will scan thousands of stocks in just seconds or sort them by more than 100 included criteria or unlimited custom criteria. By screening for a handful of potential trades, the decision-making process is simplified and a plan is easier to carry out.

Consider finding a list of trade candidates for both the long and short side of the market, setting specific entry and exit prices, and then simply execute that plan. IF the long candidates rise to your entry prices, THEN purchase them. IF the short candidates break the levels of support you see, THEN short-sell them. IF none of your trade candidates trigger their entry prices, THEN do nothing! This kind of game plan will allow you to effectively respond to market conditions without having to predict direction or hope to be bailed out of losing positions. Approaching the market with the IF/THEN mentality also will help the trader to execute a plan, rather than fight the emotional urges to find excitement or force trades. Sometimes things will work exactly as planned and other times the market will whipsaw you right out of positions. Meeting the market with a game plan and sticking with it will undoubtedly allow the trader to work with less stress and emotion, which are two of the worst negative forces that traders face.

Feeling Well Physically is a very important trait which must be present for a trader to profit. Staying healthy and rested allows the trader to work with a clear mind and focus on the task at hand. Additionally, personal relationships can play a large role in a trader’s effectiveness. When life is rocky away from the trading screens, the successful trader must be willing to cut back on trading size or even back away from the market entirely. A prideful ego will not only cause rough waters on the home front with relationships, but it will also damage the trading account! A clear conscience allows quality rest and a fresh start each morning for returning to the market sharp and ready. Make the most of your weekends to catch up on personal to-do’s and relaxation. When Monday arrives, if you aren’t at your best, don’t expect your trading to be!

Finally, as the morning breaks and the market’s opening nears, follow a routine to get into the proper state of mind for following your plan. This may include reading up on current events, reviewing your charts one final time, grabbing your morning caffeine, or listening to your favorite song. Whatever it is, find what works for you when it comes to getting into the best mindset to extract profits from the market. Remember, the competition is serious and fierce, sharp-minded, and most of all, prepared. You should be too!

Investing in Gold - How to Go About It?

GOLD continues to be a popular form of investment right for a very long time. People prefer to invest in gold because the returns are usually high and above all gold is a very famous ornament. Even if they don't get good returns they wont face losses because their cosmetic purposes will be served. Some tend to posses gold even as a matter of prestige. It is regarded to be a good source of investment as it controls inflations and even helps you to raise finances in the future.

Gold Markets!

Gold is traded in many markets around the globe. London and New York are supposed to be large markets for gold and they function through the day. It is worth mentioning that Kong Kong and Zurich market are also open to trading for 24 hours. The gold market functions like a stock exchange in l aspects of buying selling and determination of prices though the fact remains that different factors influence the price.

World Gold Council!

World gold council is a forum of gold producers around the globe. The basic objective of this body is to disseminate information regarding investing in gold and also to create an awareness among the masses. They also lay down lot of guidelines for small scale producer's traders, consumers and other stakeholders. The association is headquartered in Geneva.

Is Investing in Gold a Good Idea?

If you are thinking of returns or results in the short term then gold is probably not the right option. Investing in gold is no doubt a profitable option as it can be quickly converted to cash. It is a convenient as you can carry it easily wherever you go unless the quantity is very high. Since the performance of gold market s directly proportional to stock market it becomes easy to make calculations.

Gold - A Precious Metal as Investment!

Gold enjoys innumerable advantages over other metallic forms. Platinum investment is very risky and moreover it is not easily convertible to cash. If you take the case of silver, it does not enjoy huge prospects in terms of financial gain. Moreover silver occupies lots of space when compared with gold and so you it can cost you more for transporting. This should sound out to be worthless propositions given the monetary benefits are not promising.

Factors to be Considered Before Investing in Gold!

You need to be very careful about investing in gold because unlike stock or other markets you don't have the option of investing a small amount. You must do lot of research and have a strong knowledge about the market information. You must decide how you are going to allocate it in the portfolio. Some investors choose to invest only in gold and not in any other sources. However this practice won't be suitable for all. Therefore you must first check up if you are falling under this category. Some other issues that are to be considered are as follows:

Factors that Influence Gold Price!

Like any other resource the supply and demand constitutes to be an important factor in determining the price of gold. Since gold is a precious asset people even hoard it and its demand and price could increase drastically during inflation and even when there are wars. The price of gold shows an upward trend in most cases irrespective of the consequences due to the sentiment which people owe to the metal. They are prepared to pay any price for it.

Gold Investment Strategies!

Some of the investors prefer to buy gold when the price increases because of the popular belief that it will increase further more and they can make profits by selling them thereafter. Other investors choose to buy gold when prices decline so that they can sell them at a higher profit when the prices increase. Another group of investors will make their decisions by testing if the current trend in pricing changes or not.

The Power of Margins

If you want an edge in investing, you have to be able to think beyond the usual.

Traditionally, margins represent the efficiency by which companies capture portions of sales dollars. As an analyst, I find myself looking at small changes in margins and wondering what is going on. But that focus is too narrow. Margins can provide much more information.

The traditional lens
Experienced investors can skip this part. But for the less-experienced folks, a few definitions are in order:

  • Gross margin equals gross profit divided by sales. It indicates how well management is using labor and materials to support the business.

  • Operating margin equals operating income divided by sales. This is one way to show how well management is running the business.

  • Net margin equals net income divided by sales. This is the bottom line or the amount of money left after all expenses are paid.

Margins look at how much a company gets from each sales dollar after accounting for certain expenses. But let's go deeper.

The fuel lens
One way to think about gross margins is fuel. Gross margins power the operating decisions that a company makes. Typically, higher gross margins give companies flexibility in their operating decisions. And that's a good thing to use when comparing competitors. Below are 3M's (NYSE: MMM) historical margins.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 LTM 2005
Gross Margin % 47.4% 45.5% 48.7% 49.1% 50.2% 50.3%
Operating Margin % 18.3% 14.2% 18.7% 20.4% 22.9% 23.3%
Net Margin % 10.7% 8.9% 12.1% 13.2% 14.9% 15.0%

Philip Durell understands what these margins mean to 3M. When recommending 3M for The Motley Fool's Inside Value newsletter service, Philip broke down operating income growth and operating margins by business unit to show just how strong a company 3M is.

And more importantly, Philip understands that those gross margins fuel 3M's world-renowned innovation engine. Without them, 3M would not enjoy its competitive advantages, nor create as much value as it does.

The power lens
Taking a page from evolutionary biology, the powerful survive and control the environment, while the efficient are relegated to their niches. Sure, efficiency is important along the way, but power is required to survive and get stronger in the face of intense competition.

Stealing from legendary value investor Bill Miller, I think (Nasdaq: AMZN) offers a perfect example of this way of thinking. During Amazon's development, CEO Jeff Bezos kept gross margin percentages fairly flat and focused on growing gross margin dollars instead.

Fortunately, David Gardner noticed the same thing when recommending (Nasdaq: OSTK) to the Motley Fool Rule Breakers readers. Below is Overstock's margin analysis.

2001 2002 2003 2004 LTM 2005
Gross Margin % 13.4% 20.0% 10.7% 13.3% 14.7%
Gross Margin (millions) $5.4 $18.3 $25.5 $65.8 $94.4
Operating Margin % (32.3%) (1.3%) (4.9%) (1.0%) (1.6%)
Net Margin % (34.5%) (5.0%) (5.0%) (1.0%) (1.1%)

Like, gross margins percentages are relatively flat and not very large. In fact, CEO Patrick Byrne wants to keep gross margins near 15% in order to keep customers loyal because it's cheaper to keep customers than to acquire them (see "The psychology lens" below). And operating and net margins are essentially break-even. But notice how gross margin dollars are growing rapidly. That's pure power that's enabled to build its brand, build customer loyalty, and try new ideas, like auctions.

Again, power (dollars), not efficiency (percentages), makes a force to be reckoned with over time.

But there is risk in this model, however -- management risk. As an investor, you need to have confidence that management can execute the plan to sacrifice near-term profitability for long-term value creation.

The psychology lens
Although this may seem like a stretch, margins can actually create powerful incentives for people.

Costco (Nasdaq: COST) caps its gross margins at 14% for most items and 15% for private-label products for two reasons: to attract and keep customers shopping in its stores and to align the behaviors of all of its employees to serving customers and controlling costs.

Fortunately, Tom Gardner recognized this when he recommended Costco for Stock Advisor. As a Costco customer, Tom knows he's getting a great price. And Costco employees know that to create value, they have to serve customers as well and as cheaply as possible.

From the numbers below, gross margins are low, which brings in lots of new customers and keeps membership renewal rates over 85%. And excellent cost control generates more and more free cash flow over time.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 LTM 2005
Gross Margin % 11.9% 12.1% 12.3% 12.5% 12.5%


Cash from Operations (millions) $1,070.4 $1,032.6 $1,018.2 $1,507.2 $2,098.8 $1,738.0
Capital Expenditure (millions)


$1,447.5 $1,038.6 $810.7 $705.6 $888.5
Free Cash Flow* (millions) ($158.0) ($414.9) ($20.4) $696.5 $1,393.2 $849.5
*Free cash flow equals cash from operations minus capital spending

As I see it, Costco's gross margin strategy is the glue that binds the employees to the customers and creates lots of value.

The Foolish bottom line
Margins are important. But how you use margin information is more important to your investing success. So don't stay on the surface when analyzing margins. Your portfolio will thank you for it later.

Top stocks by average BOP for a month

One of the indicator available in Telechart is called BOP or balance Of Power. It is a Worden proprietary indicator which shows green, yellow and red colors on graph. The green color (when BOP>30) is supposed to be heavy accumulation by institution. Red color (when BOP<-30) is said to be systematic distribution.

These are top 5% stocks after sorting by average BOP for last 25 days.
AA,Alcoa Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ALC,Assisted Living Concepts Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ALV,Autoliv Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AMB,Amb Property Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ARST,Arc Sight` Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AXC,Advanced Tech Acquisition Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AXYS,Axsys Technologies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BANR,Banner Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BCS,Barclays Plc Adr (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BEAT,Cardionet Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BNE,Bowne & Co Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CADX,Cadence Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CRA,Celera Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EHTH,Ehealth Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ETQ,Corriente Resources Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HELE,Helen Of Troy Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HGG,HHGregg Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HTV,Hearst-Argyle Tv Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IMGN,Immunogen Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IRE,The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JOE,Saint Joe Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KIRK,Kirkland's Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LFT,Longtop Financial Technologies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LHCG,LHC Group (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MNRO,Monro Muffler Brake Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NAK,Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NU,Northeast Utilities (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OMGI,Orion Marine Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ORLY,O'reilly Automotive Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OSIP,Osi Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PLT,Plantronics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SKIL,Skillsoft Plc Adr (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SUMT,Sumtotal Systems Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SWHC,Smith & Wesson Hldg Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TNDM,Neutral Tandem (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TNF,Tailwind Financial Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TYC,Tyco International Ltd New (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Forex: Tools of Trade

Although, the success in the Forex trading is largely associated with the trading strategies and systems that can be usually bought for money, those are not the real tools of the Forex trader. They can only be considered as the «shortcuts to the riches». Every professional should employ his own tools of trade and the Forex traders should have them too. Independent on the professionalism level of the trader, these tools help to analyze the markets and to calculate all the necessary numbers for money management and position taking:

MetaTrader 4 platform — perhaps the most important of the tools, a successful Forex trader should have. Even if you don’t trade with MetaTrader broker you should still download this free platform and use it for charts and technical analysis. With MetaTrader you can browse charts and the past history of almost all currency pairs, you can apply dozens of standard indicators and use the custom user-tailored indicators, you can back-test strategies using their strategy tester and forward-test your systems and expert advisors on the free demo servers. MetaTrader is your number one tool if you want to go beyond the beginner’s level in Forex.

Risk and reward calculator — a helpful tool if you prefer to know your reward-to-risk ratio before opening a real money position and manage your risks correctly. This risk-to-reward calculator will only for the chart patterns with the distinctive local peak and bottom. It’s based on the Fibonacci retracements.

Pip value calculator — it’s not a trivial task to calculate the value of a pip if you trade exotic currency pairs and/or have your trading account in some exotic currency. Understanding the value of the pip is important to accurately calculate your profits and losses. The on-line pip value calculator tool will help you to determine the pip value with the minimum efforts from your side.

Pivot points calculator — this tool will be useful to you only if you prefer to trade using technical pivot levels. There are many types of pivot calculators available — floor pivots, Tom Demark’s pivots, Camarilla pivots, Woodie’s pivots, etc. I suggest you using the on-line pivot point calculator, which combines the calculation of all the possible pivot point types.

Fibonacci calculator — if you trade via the MetaTrader platform you don’t need a separate Fibonacci calculator because you can use the standard indicator to build Fibonacci retracement levels. But if you use some web-based or some other inferior platform, you’ll enjoy calculating the Fibo levels with the on-line Fibonacci calculator.

4 Easy Steps to Remove Emotions from Your Forex Trading

Emotions are the one of the greatest problems of the Forex traders. Almost every beginning trader, who starts with the demo account, experiences a great success in his trading, but fails to carry this success to the real money account. What’s the problem? Emotions! When we lose we feel frustration and sometimes even despair. Winning can cause us to lose control over our actions and turn our trading into a gambling or cause a serious over trading. So here are the four easy steps to stop emotions from ruining your Forex trading:

  1. Single loss is not your fault. It’s not even the market’s fault. And it’s not your system’s fault. It’s just a loss. No trader or system can guarantee 100% winning rate. So, losses should happen. If you lose then your system works. It may even lose again, but that won’t change the full picture. Trading doesn’t work with a single loss or win; it works with the loss rate and risk-to-reward ratios. So, next time you lose, remember that there is no one to blame, because there is no guilt in losing.
  2. If the losses prevail over the winning positions then check your risk-to-reward ratio first. If each of your losses is less than a third of your single winning position then maybe your system is intended to work with 65% of your positions in the red zone? If your risk-to-reward ratio doesn’t compensate your poor loss-to-win ratio, you still don’t have to blame yourself, the market or your system. Probably, it’s just the wrong system for the market you are trading in. Time changes and the old systems stop working, while the new ones are created. Just switch to something else and continue your pursuit of success.
  3. Single winning position is not an indicator of your success. The same as with the losses don’t treat a single win as your accomplishment. It’s just a part of the routine process of trading Forex.
  4. If your winning rate is high during the long period of time and the risk-to-reward ratio is rather low then I can congratulate you with finding the right strategy that worked fine for the kind of market you were trading on during that period. That’s it! Stick with it until your winning rate declines below the satisfying level. Then look at the number 2.

Heiken Ashi Trading System

Heiken Ashi (or Heikin Ashi, Heikin-Ashi) is the method of representing the charts using the Japanese technique of the balanced bars. Compared to the traditional Japanese candlestick charts the Heiken Ashi charts are more easily read, provide clearer picture of the market and allow easy trend spotting. What is good about this method is that it’s included into the standard set of the MetaTrader 4 indicators. You can find it there under the Custom submenu. I won’t explain how to calculate those candlesticks here because MT4 does it all automatically for you and you don’t have to worry about how those candles are drawn. Here I will tell you how to use Heiken Ashi in trading the trends. You can see the example Heiken Ashi chart:

Heiken Ashi Chart Example
As you see, white bodies are the uptrend candles and the red bodies are the downtrend candles. The upper shadows are usually absent on the downtrends and the lower shadows are absent when the trend is going up. There are 5 Heiken Ashi scenarios for trends:

  1. Trend is normal. Rising white bodies signal ascending trend and falling red bodies signal descending trend.
  2. Trend is getting stronger. Rising longer white bodies with no lower shadows for ascending trend; falling longer red bodies with no upper shadows for descending trend.
  3. Trend is getting weaker. Candle bodies become shorter and for ascending trends lower shadows occur, for descending trends — upper shadows.
  4. Trend consolidation. Small candle bodies with both upper and lower shadows.
  5. Trend is changing (not accurate signal). Very small candle body with long upper and lower shadows.


In my long last post I mentioned I was waiting for 1.4650 level. It did reach and a bit more down. At the moment it is at 1.5000. Its a slow climb and looking at daily chart it is still a downtrend but if it maintain its course, it will go uptrend soon.

Still having trouble with internet. Celcom 3G is not as stable as it used to be. I cannot upload and having trouble login to forex account. Anyone else having problem with Celcom 3G??


At the moment I am rather busy. Moving to a new place and house. The house still needs a lot of work. As a result, I do not have time to update this blog. Trading is still going on but on a shorter timeframe. Result is consistent now. AudUsd is very kind at the moment with no sudden movement.

In the next few weeks I will show you how to trade using only MA. As usual what works for me may not work for you. This is because some of you may not be able to follow the rules of the game.

1. Trade based on your capital and the time that you have. The bigger your capital the longer the TF. The more time you have the longer the TF. Vice versa.

2. Only trade at the direction pointed by the MA pairs. If the MA pairs is showing mixed direction, do not trade. The MA pairs must be pointing at the same direction.

3. If a trade suddenly change direction, do not hesitate to close it at a loss and turn the trade. This is the hardest part where most of you failed. Free your mind or become a loser all your life.

4. Keep in mind, there is no such thing as winning all the time. Just make sure you win a lot more than you lose. In the end your profit will grow along with your confident.

Simple system with simple rules. I like to keep it simple. No point of having the most complex system when simple system can have the same result. With this system you will be out of the market most of the time. This is because you will only be taking the big move and avoiding the small move and market noise.

Last advise. Do not anticipate. Forex is not a game of inteligence eventhough this system at full swing will show you possible turning point. I am having a possible turning point for audusd at 0.7200 but I will not take it coz there will be market swing before the actual turn. Why wast time waiting for the big move when you can actually see when its going to move.

In the mean time, good luck for all of you. I will be back once my pc is online again. At the moment I am posting this on a laptop. I dont like laptop, too small keypad, makes it hard to do speed typing.

The Importance of a Good Investment Program on Forex Trading

Have you ever thought about doing a trade globally? Some people might be a bit hesitant to do such a thing, but the opportunity is just waiting for you out there. You don’t actually have to travel outside your country, if that’s your concern. With the the Internet facility, you can in fact do forex trading on a global scale even in your own home, at work, and regardless of your location.

The FX market seems sophisticated, especially to new traders, and they find it rather complicated to go about the trade. But nothing is impossible once you’ve learned the trade. It is a worthwhile venture that you might want to consider even on a tight office schedule.

Being employed in a particular company may not provide you with all the money that you would need to finance your everyday living. Doing some extra work is often advisable specially in today’s times when money is difficult to find. Don´t worry anymore; the FX market is not far from your reach.

Identify your objective upon entering the FX market. This is the first step, so that you will stay focused in your endeavor. Once you’ve set up a goal, you have to do all that is necessary to reach that goal, but it should be in a reasonable manner.

In going through forex trading, you will need an investment program, and a good one. Don’t settle for anything less because a good program is essential to succeed in forex trading.

Most rookies commit the biggest mistake of their lives by availing fraudulent programs. The FX market is an enormous industry, and the fact is that there are many scams and con artists in the Internet, which actually provide useless materials for beginners. This often leads to frustrations of beginners because they’ve already failed even before they get to start the actual trade.

Find a legitimate forex investment program. Although it might require a bit more research, as well as a bit of your time, once you get what you’re looking for, you’re in a good position to start.

You don’t need to settle with expensive programs, nor with programs promising easy and quick profits with less the risk. You must be aware that though the FX market offers a lot of opportunities, it has also a lot of risks related. To become like the pros, you need to learn the forex trading system; and you have to be serious in learning it.

A good program is dynamic. It provides daily advice, manuals, DVD materials, computer disks, and other important forex trading stuffs or resources to turn you into a successful trader. Verify if their previous clients are satisfied with their services, and see if the company has built a good reputation in the business.

Professional traders conceive forex trading as a science, some thinks it’s an art; and to start the real trade, you must undergo a lot of practice. After all, practice makes a perfect trader. Demo accounts are surefire ways to learn and apply the different techniques used in the FX market. After you’ve dominated it, you can proceed to a mini account. Here you can do an actual trade but the risks are minimal. If you think you’re quite ready, then get a regular trading account. This is a highly effective step-by-step process because you get to learn a lot of things while you are practicing. Always maintain calmness, and act like the pros. You are about to make big money, one that you probably never imagined in your entire life.

Forex trading is done on a margin. Margin trading allows you to control more money than what you actually avail. For you to trade one million US dollars, you should have a security deposit worth ten thousand US dollars. This is a typical example with the rate at 1%.

The FX market expands around the globe, so you can trade twenty-four hours a day. If you choose to do margin trading, the spread rate is much lower compared to futures trading. The requirements are also very low.

Get acquainted with all the in and outs of forex trading. Trading globally implies a lot of risk; you must learn to overcome all these risks in order to earn big profits. Get a good forex trading program.

Forex Scalping

Forex Scalping appears to be coming increasingly popular amongst retail traders. This type of trading usually involves opening a very short term position on a currency pair, often only lasting a few seconds or minutes. Scalpers will often make a very large number of trades per day, in excess of 50 is not uncommon. The goal of scalping the forex market is to earn pips on very small moves. The profits on these small moves can be compounded to generate a nice return on your money if a good consistent strategy is used.

Forex Scalping and Brokers

Choosing a broker is very important when scalping. As typically a scalper makes a large number of trades, this will inevitably mean paying large number of spreads to the broker, so it is very important to choose a broker with very low spreads, so they don’t eat into your profits too much. Due to the fact that scalping involves so many trades, the scalper needs to win well in excess of half their trades to break even (assuming a 1:1 risk/reward ratio), the wider the spreads the higher the win ratio will need to be. Many brokers are not keen on scalpers at all and will actually close your account if you start to make a consistent profit with scalping. ECN brokers tend to be better for scalpers as they do not trade against their clients. Spreads are often lower with ECN brokers too, but they usually charge commissions.

There are many different strategies employed by scalpers. A common one that I have tried with good results is to put an order at major support or resistance points and try and scalp a few pips from the “bounce”. Other traders like to scalp during the news to put up a few pips. Like other forms of forex trading, scalping requires discipline and patience until the right low risk setup arises.

About Me

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I am a forex trader and doing this business successfully since 2008. I started this blog in 2009. I always like to share my interests and knowledge with others. So this was the main reason to start writting this blog. I hope you would like your stay and find best information about forex industry. Thanks!!!
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